A life sciences ecosystem

What is SCINET?

SCINET is a life sciences research platform designed to increase the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of life sciences research. You can join the beta app here: https://app.scinet.one/. Please check out our app documentation below to walk you through the process.

Why we built SCINET

Shortly after our founder’s second son Solomon was born, he came down with something called eczema herpeticum, a rare skin condition that can have up to a 50% mortality rate in some pediatric cases. After he was diagnosed, he received an antiviral cream called acyclovir. It turns out that drug was developed by a woman named Gertrude Elion, who was born approximately 100 years before Solomon. She is one of 12 female Nobel Prize winners in physiology and medicine. It took her approximately 19 years to develop the drug, and she was a genius.

We realized that this was not a matter of not having enough “smart people” working in science, but that rather there were systemic issues to resolve in order to give science an upgrade. It currently take s 17 years for life sciences research to go “from lab to life”, and that there are at least 18 underlying factors contributing to this delay.

So, SCINET is building software applications to address these underlying factors.


SCINET is building a digital R&D laboratory (code name HELIX) for life sciences researchers to plan, conduct, document, and analyze their work. SCINET will also incorporate publishing, social media, and tokenization of scientific assets. But, as a proof of concept for building research software on the blockchain, we built a licensing module. This will allow any SCINET user to easily commercialize their intellectual straight from Helix to the licensing module. In addition, any life sciences IP holder that needs a convenient tool to manage, showcase, and license their IP can use this module as a standalone application.

For now, IP holders can upload their IP to the application, and ensure that the people in their organization who should know, can know about their discoveries. In addition, they can publish the IP to the world so that tech scouts from industry can see what they have and potentially license the technology.

The application protects the “secret sauce” of scientists’ work, while allowing them to make certain aspects of their research available for potential licensees to do their due diligence. Licensing is streamlined, standardized, and straightforward, sparing all parties the typical headache of license negotiation, red-lining, and opaque terminology.

Future Releases

Ready to get started? Check out our product documentation.

Sign Up Flow

Making an Organization

Making a Project (with an org)

Create an IP-NFT

Submit an Inquiry

Reviewing an Inquiry

Creating a License NFT

Removing an Approved Inquirer